The last string has been tied up. xD And Ree doesn’t really like it. ^^ … But… what’s that hint – and will they tell? And what the heck has Rin’s father to do with all that? Ö.ö … . ☆☆☆ . The new TWC voting incentive is up!!! Ree & Rin again, and a wee bit foreshadowing… (Chapter 5 is coming soon.) >>>>>VOTE! VOTE! VOTE!<<<<< (((o(*゚▽゚*)o))) (Still the easiest way to support Wish & Will!) . ☆☆☆
4. the unkown enemy
Oops, someone is not waiting for the king’s permission to tell Ayrin what he wanna know. xD And someone else is suddenly trying to be helpful. xD Maybe because he’s assumed to be a ‘chosen one’? xD . ☆☆☆ . Gosh. I have to kill something. Here’s a big fat fly in the room and it really tries to get on my nerves. =____= . ☆☆☆ . Have you already seen the June TWC voting incentive? I really recommend taking a look. It’s probably one of my best artworks so far. >>>>>VOTE! VOTE! VOTE!<<<<< (((o(*゚▽゚*)o))) (Still the easiest way to support Wish & Will!) . ☆☆☆
Oops, little purring thingy is getting aggro. xD But we really have to thank Ishai. I do! He (or she?) ended this council for now. And I’m so tired of this room. We’ve spent nearly the whole chapter in here. Even it’s way more work to build up new settings, sometimes for every single panel, it’s also way more fun. =3 … Just two pages left and a new chapter will start! . ☆☆☆ . Have you already seen the June TWC voting incentive? I really recommend taking a look. >>>>>VOTE! VOTE! VOTE!<<<<< (((o(*゚▽゚*)o))) (Still the easiest way to support Wish & Will!) . ☆☆☆ .
No, we won’t stay in Keshavir, only briefly, but it will be a looong way home. Can’t tell you more at the Moment. ;) I’ll probably give you a few more hints in two weeks when the new chapter starts. Next week Ree will have the last words. And I’m pretty sure he’ll surprise everyone. (✿☉。☉) . ☆☆☆ . Have the hiccups. That sucks! =_____________= . ☆☆☆ . Have you already seen the June TWC voting incentive? I really recommend taking a look. >>>>>VOTE! VOTE! VOTE!<<<<< (((o(*゚▽゚*)o))) (Still the easiest way to support Wish & Will!) . ☆☆☆ .
This is the end of chapter 4. Take a long last look at Ellean, we won’t see him for a while, and take a deep breath – if you have some left after Ree’s statement… and let’s see what the next chapter will bring… next week. xD . ☆☆☆ . Have you already seen the June voting incentive? Take a second look. Or a third. ^___^ The next one will be up Sunday… most likely. =3 >>>>>VOTE! VOTE! VOTE!<<<<< (((o(*゚▽゚*)o))) (Still the easiest way to support Wish & Will!) Edit: The new TWC Voting incentive is up! . ☆☆☆ . This week I’d like to say a big, big thank to Kurt ♥♥♥ […]↓ Read the rest of this entry…