When a new chapter starts, I usually tell you a wee bit about it. Of course, we’ll finally meet Jennai. Not a big secret – he’s on the cover. ;’) Of course, we will meet Ree’s parents… but that’s all I can tell you right now because – of course – I can’t tell you how the story ends… xD Last week I said, this chapter will most likely be the last. With the emphasis on ‘MOST LIKELY’! I’m not sure if I have enough material for a 9th chapter, …but who knows? I’m the messy type of writer. ヾ(/@◔▽◐@)ノ . ☆☆☆ . Sorry, there will be no new voting incentive for a[…]↓ Read the rest of this entry…
8. dreams and nightmares
My first Instagram picture is nearly ready and I think I’ll upload it this week. Those who already follow me will be the first to see it. Indeed, I have no idea how Instagram works. 「'(゚ペ) Does anyone know more about this? . ☆☆☆ . Sorry, there will be no new voting incentive for a while, but I hope you’ll vote, anyway. >>>>>VOTE! VOTE! VOTE!<<<<< (((o(*゚▽゚*)o))) (Still the easiest way to support Wish & Will!) . ☆☆☆ . This week I’d like to say a big, big thank to Kurt ♥ for his donation to Wish & Will. Thank you soooooo much! Many, many hugs and kisses! (づ ̄ ³ ̄)づ 〜*♥ ♥ ♥ .
I’m sorry Ü.Ü I said I would upload the Instagram pic… but I couldn’t stop working on it. But this week I’ll do it. I promise! . ☆☆☆ . Sorry, there will be no new voting incentive for a while, but I hope you’ll vote, anyway. >>>>>VOTE! VOTE! VOTE!<<<<< (((o(*゚▽゚*)o))) (Still the easiest way to support Wish & Will!) .
This one is probably not father-of-the-year material… . ☆☆☆ . Sorry, there will be no new voting incentive for a while, but I hope you’ll vote, anyway. >>>>>VOTE! VOTE! VOTE!<<<<< (((o(*゚▽゚*)o))) (Still the easiest way to support Wish & Will!) .
Now we see what Ree was worried about. Dad => ψ(`皿´#)ψ . ☆☆☆ . Sorry, there will be no new voting incentive for a while, but I hope you’ll vote, anyway. >>>>>VOTE! VOTE! VOTE!<<<<< (((o(*゚▽゚*)o))) (Still the easiest way to support Wish & Will!) .
Oh my gosh, will this end in a lethal fight? ゞ◎Д◎ヾ . ☆☆☆ . Sorry, there will be no new voting incentive for a while, but I hope you’ll vote, anyway. >>>>>VOTE! VOTE! VOTE!<<<<< (((o(*゚▽゚*)o))) (Still the easiest way to support Wish & Will!) . ☆☆☆ . This week I’d like to say a big, big thank to Kurt ♥ for his donation to Wish & Will. Thank you soooooo much! Many, many hugs and kisses! (づ ̄ ³ ̄)づ 〜*♥ ♥ ♥ .
Rin gets angry. – NO SURPRISE – let’s hope he won’t get imprudent… . ☆☆☆ . Sorry, there will be no new voting incentive for a while, but I hope you’ll vote, anyway. >>>>>VOTE! VOTE! VOTE!<<<<< (((o(*゚▽゚*)o))) (Still the easiest way to support Wish & Will!) .
It seems Ree has more people on his side than he thought… …even if one needs a little reminder. _へ(‾◡◝ )> . ☆☆☆ . Sorry, there will be no new voting incentive for a while, but I hope you’ll vote, anyway. >>>>>VOTE! VOTE! VOTE!<<<<< (((o(*゚▽゚*)o))) (Still the easiest way to support Wish & Will!) .
A new player! But I guess you already know who she is, right? ^^ . ☆☆☆ . Sorry, there will be no new voting incentive for a while, but I hope you’ll vote, anyway. >>>>>VOTE! VOTE! VOTE!<<<<< (((o(*゚▽゚*)o))) (Still the easiest way to support Wish & Will!) . ☆☆☆ . This week I’d like to say a big, big thank to Jennifer ♥ and Denise ♥ for their donations to Wish & Will. Thank you soooooo much! Many, many hugs and kisses! (づ ̄ ³ ̄)づ 〜*♥ ♥ ♥ .
Don’t mess with a mother. Especially not with this one. Even Mr. Grumpy knows that. (。•̀ᴗ-)✧ . ☆☆☆ . Sorry, there will be no new voting incentive for a while, but I hope you’ll vote, anyway. >>>>>VOTE! VOTE! VOTE!<<<<< (((o(*゚▽゚*)o))) (Still the easiest way to support Wish & Will!) . ☆☆☆ . This week I’d like to say a big, big thank to Kurt ♥ for his donation to Wish & Will. Thank you soooooo much! Many, many hugs and kisses! (づ ̄ ³ ̄)づ 〜*♥ ♥ ♥ .