Wish & Will 105
Yeah, a little closer view on Cayo, who’s also a very handsome guy (even he’s straight),^^
but hey, this is a semirealistic yaoi comic with Square Enix inspired design.^^
There will be al lot of beautiful people. xD
But,… spotlight on Rukh.
I really love to visualize magic. Magic can be visualized sooo pretty.
It’s the pure sense of wonder, let’s show it!
Google ‘legends of the cryptids’ and you’ll know what I mean. And always when I take a look on those pictures
I know, there is a lot of open space to improve my artwork. I’m working hard to improve on every page.
You’ll maybe not even notice it, but I hope you’ll see a huge difference when we’ll reach page 598…
or something like that. xD
Yeah – scroll down…^^
…And don’t forget to vote at TWC!!! XD
A lot of you have already seen the actual really HOT Ayrin pin up (tissues are ready for your weekly vote today?)
but for everyone else:
( Д )ﻌﻌﻌﻌ⊙ ⊙
>>>>>VOTE! VOTE! VOTE!<<<<<
Still the easiest way to support Wish & Will!
And thanks a lot to everyone who’s still commenting. ♥ ♥ ♥
Maybe it’s just the silly season.
I hope so. Missing so much names… Ö.ö
I’m not just fapping here!
I’m doing this for you guys. I need your support! I wanna hear your voices! ;P