Rage is a bad strategic adviser!

I could have told him, but he’s never listening.

I give up! Do what you want. It’s all your own fault!

( ̄^ ̄)püh

By the way… This time I won’t torture you.

Now we’ll stay with Reeshan and Ellean for a few pages.





Have you already seen the TWC April voting intensive?

It’s a flashback, showing Reeshan and Ellean.

Indeed that’s the beginning of everything!

Thus fate takes it’s inevitable course.

>>>>>VOTE! VOTE! VOTE!<<<<<


(Still the easiest way to support Wish & Will!)




I really hate people who are constantly begging for donations, it’s annoying,… 

(And that’s why you’ll get all the porn for free on this page and not just on patreon! ;)

…but maybe I should remind you… there is a way to force the pace,

and we’re just 116,85 $ away from the next bonus page…

But just if you have money to spare. Really… I do not want your last dollar.

There are other ways to support this comic. :D


