Wish & Will 122
Naaaaaah! Not yet! Way too soon.
Let’s give them time to come to terms with this.
Especially Rin. This was a giant leap for him.
(⁎❝᷀ົ ˙̫ ❝᷀ົ⁎)’
Again a new flag has been added to the right sidebar,
and I proudly present the Italian fan translation.
In particular I express my thanks to Nicholaee ♥ ♥ ♥ for her effort,
putting so much work into translating my comic and putting this
as an Italian mirror page on her website Eternal Yaoi Love.
(You’ll also find a lot of Italian manga scanlation downloads over there. Check it out!)
Please don’t forget to vote at TWC!!!
Have you already seen the November voting incentive?
It’s called ‘Make a Wish’ (and it’s a great wallpaper ^^).
>>>>>VOTE! VOTE! VOTE!<<<<<
(The easiest way to support Wish & Will!)
Who’s following Wish&Will on facebook probably has seen
the Halloween (屮`∀´)屮 Special Mini Comic – if not – it’s up in the gallery.